⚡Reward for Putin's head

⚡Reward for Putin's head

EN - http://vasnasfb1.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-price-on-putins-head.html / https://bit.ly/35NIRFl
FR - https://bit.ly/3HOFUBz
RU - https://bit.ly/3MostvI

Help to destroy PUTIN!
The price on PUTIN's head!
people should start talking about it openly
(do I have an acceptable pronunciation or will someone read my text aloud?)
Text http://vasnasfb1.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-price-on-putins-head.html
Under the video you will find text and internet links

Putin must be immediately destroyed by any means, as a terrorist who massively destroys people and threatens to destroy the whole world. The massacre continues only because he is alive. Only a clear threat to the whole world gives a small chance to convey this information to people.

Under the video you will find text and internet links

I was born in Russia and have lived there all my life.  I closely followed the internal life of Russia, so I know the truth.  This truth is hard to tell, they kill for it.

It is an unforgivable mistake to call Putin's terrorist attack in Ukraine a war.  This is done in order to shift the responsibility from one maniac Putin to fraternal peoples with a huge interosculation of cultures. All Ukrainians speak Russian. When Russians get very drunk, they sing Ukrainian folk songs. Putin has an outstanding ability to deceive, set on to fight and subdue. His last name in Russian means "to confuse". Anyone who uses the word "war" instead of the words "terrorist attack" are either useful idiots or accomplices of terrorists seeking to confuse the whole world. Putin's media substitute many words, for example, instead of an explosion they say clap, instead of a fire they say smoke, a plane crash - a hard landing, the destruction of social infrastructure - optimization, the destruction of the economy - negative growth, instead of the home guard they say bandits and drug addicts, instead of mercenaries, bandits and drug addicts they say the home guard. Constant disinformation and terror keeps the entire Russian people in a state of zombies who will not accept any of the most obvious truth until the terror disappears.

I sent hundreds of my fellow villagers in Russia video evidence of carpet bombing of residential areas of Ukrainian cities, photos and videos of dead children, testimonies of dozens of captured soldiers and injured citizens of Ukraine. A video where unarmed Ukrainian civilians stand in a crowd and do not let Putin's tanks through ... and much more.

Since childhood, Putin is mentally defective, almost midget (he walks on stands inside his trousers), ugly (he did plastic surgery). In open sources, you can read that Putin's father gouged out an eye  to Putin's future mother, a beautiful girl, to eliminate competition. Putin gouged out Russia's eye in 1999 and has been raping her with impunity ever since.

Putin began his "President" career by stealing $50 million for food for a starving city as Deputy Mayor of Saint Peturburg. The city never received this food. Money disappeared in Europe, in fictitious one-day firms. Thus began Putin's cooperation with foreigners, mostly Germans, to plunder Russia. A criminal case was opened against Putin.

  With huge money, able to threaten and blackmail, Putin became the head of the FSB / KGB, and immediately started blowing up apartment buildings in Russia with children, women, the elderly, what he was doing in Syria to destroy the European Union with refugees, what he is doing today in Ukraine. Thus, the terrorists managed to intimidate Yeltsin and raise Putin's rating from zero to forty-seven percent. Yeltsin handed over supreme power to Putin without elections, from hand to hand. Thus, the presidential elections were rigged. When, with threats and deception, Putin seized the post of President of Russia, the investigator was ordered to close the criminal case against Putin. From that moment, Putin began the unhindered destruction of all democratic institutions in Russia.

  All the people knew about his crimes, since they were obvious and at first discussed openly. But the Russian people made their choice, they remained silent, becoming an accomplice, selling their souls to Satan. From the horror of what is happening, all the opposition parties immediately became puppet. All media became controlled by Putin. The media and the fake oppositionists who superficially criticized Putin were in fact cunningly deceiving the whole world, creating the appearance of freedom of speech and the presence of political life.

Huge wealth Putin sent to corrupt the world.  He simply bought everyone around to turn a blind eye to his monstrous crimes.  Whom he could not intimidate and / or buy, he killed.  With the help of Putin, Russia was robbed by the whole world.

A freak and a mentally defected person suddenly became a wonderful patriotic sage. He got access to the boys, whom he could kiss on the tummies even in public. Look at it in net. You will find photos on the Internet. Such is the magic of money and blood. Putin directed the huge wealth of Russia against the people of Russia, turning the money into weapons and punishers, depriving Russians of dignity and freedom, turning them into cattle. He completely privatized Russia, giving him the right to decide what is patriotic and what is treason. Now he is ready to massively shoot Russian peacekeepers for treason.

In 2011, one hundred thousand people came to the Kremlin to drive Putin away.  However, he intimidated and bought the leaders of the protest.  The leaders calmed the angry crowd. From that moment on, Putin planned to seize over half of Ukraine to raise his rating among the zombie population and send this patriotic mob there. He completely succeeded, the fools, instead of the revolution, went to fight the ghosts in the Donbass. The Russians have a saying "They don't change horses in the crossing", having arranged an endless crossing - an endless war - Putin has become an irremovable devil with hooves.

Putin could not allow Ukraine to live better by setting a bad example for the Russian people. He helped Yanukovych, who had once been imprisoned for brigandage and robbery, come to power in Ukraine. When the Ukrainian people wanted to get out of Putin's influence and enter the European Union, Putin, through Yanukovych, prevented this. For treason, Yanukovych was expelled from Ukraine by the Ukrainian people.

Taking advantage of the revolutionary situation in Ukraine, Putin seized Crimea militarily and falsified a referendum in Crimea. This gave Putin a sharp rise in Russia's zombie population. Level of living fell up to 5 times, due to the lack of Ukrainian fresh water, the agriculture of Crimea was completely destroyed. A crime boss nicknamed Goblin (Gobelin / Goblin / Goblin) (these are small creatures living underground and afraid of sunlight), whose pro-Putin party, despite all efforts, could not get more than 3% of popularity in the Ukrainian Crimea, became the viceroy of Putin's Crimea. Goblin announced that from now on the Crimea is a military base, where nuclear weapons are located.

On New Year's midnight 2015, from the highest mountain of the Putinist Crimea with the Ukrainian flag, I wished the Ukrainians to expel Putin's terrorists from Ukraine https://youtu.be/LJecU95LTU8  I became a refugee http://vasnas.eu5.net/camp/en_camp.html

In order to destroy Ukraine as a state, Putin decided to seize the entire south of Ukraine, and at the same time take water from the Dnieper River for Crimea. To do this, he sent FSB/KGB Colonel Girkin with three hundred terrorists to the peaceful Donbass. According to Girkin himself, his terrorists ignited a war in peaceful Ukraine. In fact, it was an imitation of a civil war.  They fired on both sides of the front to ignite the war. Under the guise of humanitarian supplies, Putin supplied the Donbass with weapons and terrorists. However, after taking the population of small areas of Ukraine hostage, it was not possible to advance, as the freedom-loving local population protects their homeland from the terrorists. In the occupied territories, the hostages play the play "We love Putin! Thank you for our liberation!". Now Putin is taking hostages from Crimea to the new occupied territories of Ukraine, so that they, under the guise of local residents, would play the play "Thank you for the liberation!"

Due to Putin’s aging and his destruction of Russia, he gradually began to lose the ratings obtained by zombifying the population and the power exercised by terror. The freedom-loving Ukrainian people showed the Russian people a bad example of how it is possible to change presidents and, thanks to this, live better. Ukrainians began to live better and richer than Russians. Watching Putin's crimes in Ukrain, the Ukrainian people loved to sing in chorus, "Putin is khuilo, Putin is khuilo!" The word khuilo is an obscene word in Russian, but thanks to Putin it has gained worldwide fame, it means "a little man, consisting entirely of an aggressive goofy penis"

Putin attacked Ukraine only to prevent Ukrainians from living better than Russians and from singing "Putin is khuilo, Putin is khuilo!" No NATO has threatened Russia since Gorbachev, Putin himself wanted to join NATO in 2004 to secure Russia, but he did not fit the NATO terms, because he chose instead of the future of Russia, he chose his own future as a dictator using power to satisfy his base complexes. A mentally disabled person in the post of President of a nuclear power is dangerous to the whole world.

Now Putin is a terrorist in the process of committing massacres of civilians, so he must be destroyed immediately to stop this senseless massacre, which continues solely because of the will of this shaitan.

Only those people whose relatives and friends Putin has already killed want to kill this distraught mass murderer with their own hands, the rest are passive and hope that they will not be touched if they remain silent. I try to shout to people, but they do not repost, do not retweet, do not discuss - they are afraid.

The rat is cornered, it has no future, it will inevitably jump if Ukraine stands Putin to launch a nuclear missile on Kiev. If Ukraine does not capitulate in this case either, and is supported by Europe, Putin will launch missiles at Strasbourg, London, and so on.Putin's death will be only the first step towards peace and global security. In this state of affairs, Putin will write off the destruction of Russia to the war and remain in power until his death.

It is necessary to set a guaranteed price for Putin's head, from about a million dollars, and open an appropriate fund to collect donations for this charitable cause. In this way, people will be able to show their solidarity even with one cent.

Putin's death will be only the first step towards peace and global security.
Share it, discuss it, challenge your leaders!

Post scriptum:
In the future, it is necessary to exclude Crimea from the question of who owns it. Crimea, together with Ukraine and Belarus, should enter the Slavic Union on an equal footing, while Russia will need to be truly federated. All parts of Russia should have equal rights with them. I will pray that this expressed thought will come true in the distant future!

Video (old text) https://youtu.be/4_JsdriILLs


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